— The serialization machinery


A stream that has a concept of a pending separator between consecutive writes.

maybe_write_space(nextc=None, _special_chars={'"', '$', "'", '*', '+', '-', '/', '<', '=', '>', '@', '_'})

Emit a space when needed.


nextc – either None or the next character that will be written


the number of characters written to the stream

If the last character written was neither a space nor an open parentheses, and nextc is either None or a special character, then emit a single whitespace.


Possibly insert a single whitespace character before next output.

When the last character written is not a space, set the pending_separator flag to True: the next call to write() will prepend a single whitespace to its argument if that begins with an alphanumeric character.

show(where=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stderr>' mode='w' encoding='UTF-8'>)

Emit current stream content, by default to stderr, to aid debugging.


Shortcut for self.maybe_write_space(s[0]); self.write(s).


Shortcut for self.swrite(s); self.separator().


Emit string s.


s (str) – the string to emit


the number of characters written to the stream

When s is not empty and pending_separator is True and the first character of s is alphanumeric, emit a single whitespace before writing out s and then reset pending_separator to False.


Shortcut for self.write(s); self.separator().

class, special_functions=False, comma_at_eoln=False, semicolon_after_last_statement=False, comments=None, remove_pg_catalog_from_functions=False)

Basic SQL parse tree writer.

  • separate_statements (int) – 1 by default, tells how many empty lines should separate statements

  • special_functions (bool) – False by default, when True some functions are treated in a special way and emitted as equivalent constructs

  • comma_at_eoln (bool) – False by default, when True put the comma right after each item instead of at the beginning of the next item line

  • semicolon_after_last_statement (bool) – False by default, when True add a semicolon after the last statement, otherwise it is emitted only as a separator between multiple statements

  • comments – optional sequence of tuples with the comments extracted from the statement

  • remove_pg_catalog_from_functions (bool) – False by default, when True remove the pg_catalog schema from functions

This augments OutputStream and implements the basic machinery needed to serialize the parse tree produced by parse_sql() back to a textual representation, without any adornment.

__call__(sql, plpgsql=False)

Main entry point: execute print_node() on each statement in sql.

  • sql – the SQL statement

  • plpgsql (bool) – whether sql is really a plpgsql statement


a string with the equivalent SQL obtained by serializing the syntax tree

The sql statement may be either a str containing the SQL in textual form, or a concrete ast.Node instance or a tuple of them.


Do nothing, shall be overridden by the prettifier subclass.


Create a context manager usable to conditionally wrap something within parentheses.


need_parens (bool) – whether to emit opening and closing parentheses

This method used to be used for subexpressions, but now is used to emit almost anything that goes within parentheses.


Look for a specific printer for function name in SPECIAL_FUNCTIONS.


name (str) – the qualified name of the function


either None or a callable

When the option special_functions is True, return the printer function associated with name, if present. In all other cases return None.

indent(amount=0, relative=True)

Do nothing, shall be overridden by the prettifier subclass.


Emit a single whitespace, shall be overridden by the prettifier subclass.


Print the given comment, unconditionally in the C syntax, joining all lines.

print_list(nodes, sep=',', relative_indent=None, standalone_items=None, are_names=False, is_symbol=False, item_needs_parens=None)

Execute print_node() on all the nodes, separating them with sep.

  • nodes – a sequence of Node instances

  • sep (str) – the separator between them

  • relative_indent (bool) – if given, the relative amount of indentation to apply before the first item, by default computed automatically from the length of the separator sep

  • standalone_items (bool) – whether a newline will be emitted before each item

  • are_names (bool) – whether the nodes are actually names, which possibly require to be enclosed between double-quotes

  • is_symbol (bool) – whether the nodes are actually a symbol such as an operator name, in which case the last one must be printed verbatim (e.g. "MySchema".===)

  • item_needs_parens – either None or a callable

print_lists(lists, sep=',', relative_indent=None, standalone_items=None, are_names=False, sublist_open='(', sublist_close=')', sublist_sep=',', sublist_relative_indent=None)

Execute print_list() on all the lists items.

  • lists – a sequence of sequences of Node instances

  • sep (str) – passed as is to print_list()

  • relative_indent (bool) – passed as is to print_list()

  • standalone_items (bool) – passed as is to print_list()

  • are_names (bool) – passed as is to print_list()

  • sublist_open (str) – the string that will be emitted before each sublist

  • sublist_close (str) – the string that will be emitted after each sublist

  • sublist_sep (str) – the separator between them each sublist

  • sublist_relative_indent (bool) – if given, the relative amount of indentation to apply before the first sublist, by default computed automatically from the length of the separator sublist_sep

print_name(nodes, sep='.')

Helper method, execute print_node() or print_list() as needed.

print_node(node, is_name=False, is_symbol=False)

Lookup the specific printer for the given node and execute it.

  • node – an instance of Node

  • is_name (bool) – whether this is a name of something, that may need to be double quoted

  • is_symbol (bool) – whether this is the name of an operator, should not be double quoted

print_symbol(nodes, sep='.')

Helper method, execute print_node() or print_list() as needed.

push_indent(amount=0, relative=True)

Create a no-op context manager, shall be overridden by the prettifier subclass.

show(where=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stderr>' mode='w' encoding='UTF-8'>)

Emit also current expression_level and a “pointer” showing current_column.


Emit a single whitespace, shall be overridden by the prettifier subclass.


Emit the string s as a single-quoted literal constant.

class, split_string_literals_threshold=None, **options)

Indented SQL parse tree writer.

  • compact_lists_margin (int) – an integer value that, if given, is used to print lists on a single line, when they do not exceed the given margin on the right

  • split_string_literals_threshold (int) – an integer value that, if given, is used as the threshold beyond that a string literal gets splitted in successive chunks of that length

  • **options – other options accepted by RawStream

This augments RawStream to emit a prettified representation of a parse tree.


Pop the indentation level from the stack and set current_indent to that.

indent(amount=0, relative=True)

Push current indentation level to the stack, then set it adding amount to the current_column if relative is True otherwise to current_indent.


Emit a newline.


Print the given comment, unconditionally in the C syntax, joining all lines.

print_list(nodes, sep=',', relative_indent=None, standalone_items=None, are_names=False, is_symbol=False, item_needs_parens=None)

Execute print_node() on all the nodes, separating them with sep.

  • nodes – a sequence of Node instances

  • sep (str) – the separator between them

  • relative_indent (bool) – if given, the relative amount of indentation to apply before the first item, by default computed automatically from the length of the separator sep

  • standalone_items (bool) – whether a newline will be emitted before each item

  • are_names (bool) – whether the nodes are actually names, which possibly require to be enclosed between double-quotes

  • is_symbol (bool) – whether the nodes are actually an operator name, in which case the last one must be printed verbatim (such as "MySchema".===)

push_indent(amount=0, relative=True)

Create a context manager that calls indent() and dedent() around a block of code.

This is just an helper to simplify code that adjusts the indentation level:

with output.push_indent(4):
    # code that emits something with the new indentation
show(where=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stderr>' mode='w' encoding='UTF-8'>)

Emit also current_indent and indentation_stack.


Emit consecutive spaces.


Write string s to the stream, adjusting the current_column accordingly.


s (str) – the string to emit


the number of characters written to the stream

If s is a newline character (\n) set current_column to 0. Otherwise when current_column is 0 and current_indent is greater than 0 emit a number of whitespaces before emitting s, to indent it as expected.


Emit the string s possibly splitted in successive chunks.

When the split_string_literals_threshold option is greater than 0 and the length of s exceeds that value, split the string into multiple chunks.